Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wow, a month has flown by!

Destiney will be a month old in less than 24 hours-I can't believe time has gone by so fast!

I was messing around, scrapping, since I couldn't sleep-and came up with this page I just had to share! It is a Valentine's gift for Scott, and the word LOVE came as a template that you fill with whatever you want then overlap the letters. The template also came with the instructions to create a real book, which I may do at another time.

It was a lot of fun and I think I will create one for everyone, eventually! They might all get one for V-day...who knows?

Anyway, I really DO need to get to bed and get some shut eye-I have to work 11 am to 10 pm tomorrow (actually TODAY-ugh!)

Sweet dreams! xo~B

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